SuperMailer project file drive:\folder\<name>.smp | Opens the given project file.
/AUTOCFGFILE:<ini file> | See also Use SuperMailer in your
/AUTOSUBMIT:drive:\folder\<name>.smp | Opens the given project file and starts email sending
process. This parameter will be used by the SuperMailer
Scheduler .
The usage of parameters /AUTOSUBMIT and /AUTOSSENDSMS are not allowed at once a time.
/AUTOSSENDSMS:drive:\folder\<name>.smp | Opens the given project file and starts SMS sending process.
This option is not available in the english version.
The usage of parameters /AUTOSUBMIT and /AUTOSSENDSMS are not allowed at once a time.
/AUTOCREATEREPORT | Saves the report as HTML file after finishing the email
sending process. The filename of HTML file is <project file without
This parameter is only suitable by using parameters /AUTOSUBMIT and /AUTOSSENDSMS.
/AUTOSHUTDOWN | Shuts down Windows after finishing email sending process.
This parameter is only suitable by using parameters /AUTOSUBMIT and /AUTOSSENDSMS.
/AUTORECIPIENTSGROUP:"Name of recipients group" | Selects the recipients group before email sending will
start. The name of recipients groups must be specified in quotation marks.
This parameter is only suitable by using parameters /AUTOSUBMIT and /AUTOSSENDSMS.
/AUTORETRSUBUNSUB | After opening the project file SuperMailer will retrieve all
newsletter subscribtions / unsubscribtions automatically.
/AUTORETRSUBUNSUBANDQUIT | After opening the project file SuperMailer will retrieve all
newsletter subscribtions / unsubscribtions automatically. SuperMailer will
then save the project file and will exit itself.
/IGNOREDUPS | You can specify this parameter to suppress the request to
remove duplicate recipients. In this case SuperMailer will never remove
duplicate recipients.
/ALLOWJAVASCRIPT | Allows JavaScript in email content.
Don't use this parameter, Javascript is not executed in emails, email servers can block this email as spam.
Retrieve SuperMailer install path
To retrieve the install path read the value InstallPath from registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Mirko Boeer Software\SuperMailer\Options . The name of executable file is always sm.exe.
Check if SuperMailer is up and running
SuperMailer should be only started once a time. To check SuperMailer is running you can check the mutex SuperMailer32 are exists.
Example in Delphi 7
hnd : THandle;
hnd := CreateMutex(nil, True, 'SuperMailer32');
// SuperMailer is running
CloseHandle(hnd); // SuperMailer doesn't run, free handle