Import from a text file

Click "Import" to open the dialog.

Filename Indicate to the file names of the text file, which is to be imported.


Separator between fields The fields in the text file must be provided with a clear separator. With the export from a data base you should use the indication <Tabulator> or semicolon. Select in this field the separator or indicate your own separator


File contains no field definition in the first line, uses current structure Select this attitude, if the file contains no field definition in the 1. Line.

You must put on the field definition in the SuperMailer before correctly, otherwise the import fails


Don't delete existing recipients list, file contents will be add to existing list Activate this attitude, in order not to let the present recipients delete.

All recipients in the list remain containing, however the structure must of the file must correspond to the structure in the SuperMailer,
Doubles can occur, click therefore among recipients of the email on "Remove duplicates", in order to remove these on the list of all the recipients


File contains only email addresses Activate this attitude, so that the import of the recipients is accelerated. You may only activate this option however if the file really contains only email addresses.

If "No outside examination of the email addresses" is activated then the import even more accelerates.


Remove certain quotation marks Removed with the import quotation mark from the field which can be imported.


Remove certain leading / following blank charakters Remove all prominent and/or following blanks from the field which can be imported..


DOS (OEM) in windows (ANSI) conversion This option may be only activated, if it concerns a file in the MS-DOS format. This is found hardly nowadays.


Import to recipients group Select the recipients group the recipients should be imported.


Import automatically on opening project file Activate this option to let SuperMailer import your recipients on opening the saved project file automatically.


Example of the format of a text file

Name; First name; email
Smith; Peter;

The instructions name, first name and email are the field identifiers. The instructions Smith, Peter and are the field content. All data are separated with the indication semicolon.