This feature allows you to easily create one or more surveys for each project, in which voting buttons are inserted into the email. After sending your emails, you can retrieve results of the vote and display it graphically.
Surveys can be used in SuperMailer Professional versions, not in Standard version. In Free version results of surveys are not retrievable.
Notes for administrators
Saving survey results to file
Saving survey results to MySQL database
Usage of surveys
At HTML part of email position cursor and select "Insert at cursor
position" after you have created your survey. HTML code can also be
inserted with button "surveys"
above WYSIWYG-/HTML source code editor.
While using wizard mode surveys can only be inserted in WYSIWYG editor while editing multiline texts.
Changing layout
Surveys will be inserted with 2 tables, this tables can be changed by table editing functions, e.g. right click Table - Table properties or Cell properties.
Results of surveys
Select in dialog "Setup of surveys" on tab Surveys your survey and click on "Show results".
Hint: Results can be only retrieved after you have send your emails.
All settings for surveys are valid for hole project and will be applied for all surveys.
Tab Upload
Setting | Hints | ||||||||||||||||
Domain incl. directory | Enter the complete URL with http:// and directory. The
directory must be corresponded with the FTP directory or the upload
directory in the script upload.php .
Script name | Enter the name of PHP script. The script must have
the file extension .php otherwise it will not be executed. In the
filename of the script you should only use the letters A-Z (a-z), the
numbers 0..9 and underline or hyphen.
Select the transfer mode which SuperMailer should use to upload the
files and the script. In firms it is often not possible to set up a direct FTP connection, in this case you should select the transmission with help of the upload script by HTTP. See also: setting up the upload script
HTTP Upload
Tab Settings
Setting | Hint |
Text or website to be displayed after successful voting (HTML allowed) | Enter text that should be displayed after successful voting. Alternatively, enter a URL with http:// or https:// to be forwarded after successful voting.
Text or website to be displayed as previously voted (HTML allowed) | This text or URL will be used only if multiple votes should
be avoided. Enter text that should be displayed when user as already voted. Alternatively, enter a URL with http:// or https:// to be forwarded.
Data storage on webspace/server | Select variant for saving survey results so it can be
evaluated later than. Save survey results to file This variant should be used with a few email recipients only; otherwise, votings might be lost, especially when many recipients click the voting buttons at the same time. Save survey results to MySQL database This variant is recommend. Your webspace provider offers information for MySQL database.
Tab Surveys
Setting | Hints | ||||||
Add | Allows you to add a new survey.
Edit | Allows you to edit a survey.
Remove | Removes selected survey.
Insert at cursor position | Inserts HTML code for survey at cursor position in WYSIWYG
editor or plain HTML source code editor.
Show results | After sending your emails you can retrieve results
from internet and let it show graphically as text or chart.
Avoiding multiple votes | For avoiding multiple votes you can use more than one
"Button "Style"
Allow you to add an own stylesheet for outer table of survey.
You can use our upload script upload.php as substitute for FTP transfers. This script can be found in your SuperMailer directory. You have to upload this script once via FTP to your web space, after that you can upload files without FTP. This script should be reconfigured before uploading it, so that your upload files are copied into the right directory.
You should change the filename of this script, because that not everyone can
put files on your web space.
You can also use this script for file upload, tracking or the newsletter archive.
changing the script configuration
# Upload directory with / at the end of path
# the upload directory is the complete directory from the root directory
# the directory can be differ from ftp upload directory
# under linux you should chmod the directory with rights 777
If you don't know the correct directory, then ask your web space provider