Your global or local block list contains all email addresses, which should be ignored for your mailings and this addresses will not be accepted for a newsletter registration. The global block list is used for all SuperMailer projects while the local block list is only used for your active project.
Open your global block list via the menu item Tools. if its open you can add,
change and delete email addresses, furthermore you can import email addresses
from an text file.
The menu item Tools - local block list opens the local block list. This dialog
is normally used to setup your POP3/IMAP accounts to fetch register/sign
off newsletter mails.
Add recipient to block list
You can configure SuperMailer to automatically add an email address to your global or local block list, by receiving an unsubscribe newsletter mail. Alternatively you can add an email address by selecting a recipient in the list of all recipients , open the context menu and choose "Add to global block list".
Saving your block list
A local block list will be saved with your project file. The global block list is stored in the following directory: <your profile>\application data\SuperMailer. If you click on "Save Program options" in the menu Files, your block list will be saved automatically.