SuperMailer can recognize on the base of subject of email whether it is subscription or unsubscription of the recipients list. Therefore a certain word must be specified e.g. "subscribe" to let SuperMailer correctly detect the mailing list action. In text of email the text
email: <email address>
must be present. If SuperMailer does not find this text than the sender email address of the email is used for adding or removing from recipient list.
See also
Structure of an email
With the SuperMailer Script you have automated newsletter subscription and
unsubscription. In addition you merge a HTML form for the newsletter
subscription and/or unsubscription on your web page and use a script. You can
find more information to this script on the site
Requirements for using the script
The functionality of changing recipients data by the Script are not supported.
You must implement this functionality if necessary.
See also
Structure of emails
If you cannot implement scripts...
We host the script for you at the disposal, more information can be found under
Select on menu Project - Mailboxes and add one or more POP3/IMAP accounts or Outlook folders on which the newsletter messages will be arrive. You must specify the subjects of emails to let SuperMailer recognize newsletter subscriptions and unsubscriptions. The default subjects are "SUBSCRIBE" and "UNSUBSCRIBE". If you use our newsletter scripts this subjects should not be changed.
Enter several subjects separated with semicolon (;).
In Microsoft Outlook you should save all Subscribe/Unsubscribe mails in an own folder, e.g. with a Outlook mail rule otherwise SuperMailer will check all the mails in the folder and will add all unknown mails as subscribe mails.
On base of subject of email SuperMailer recognizes that the emails contains a newsletter subscription and/or newsletter unsubscription. All other emails where ignored by SuperMailer and are not deleted from mailbox.
Block list
In the block list you can specify email addresses to which no newsletter should be send anymore.
See also
Global and local block list
Check for new subscriptions and unsubscriptions
Click "Recipients of message" and after than on "Check subscribers " in order to connect to your mailbox(es). SuperMailer will fetch all messages with defined subject from the mailbox and will add, remove or change the email recipients.
Leave received messages on server | If this option is activated SuperMailer will not delete the
fetched up from your mailbox. It is nor recommended to activate this
In Microsoft Outlook SuperMailer can't delete the mails they will be moved to folder "Deleted Objects".
Show undefined emails
Indicates the emails to you which could not assign by
SuperMailer automatically. They can add and/or delete (only the email
address) manually to the list of all the recipients ..
Create protocol file | This makes the production for a log file possible in the
text format. You must indicate a file name before fetching up the emails.
Show results | Shows the numbers of subscription and unsubscription in a
list at the end of the fetch up. This can be stored as text file.
Update data in a SQL database | Activate this settings and click on "SQL database"
to the define the database connection and SQL queries. In SQL queries you
must use the same placeholders as defined in SuperMailer recipients list.
By using the "edit" feature of the script you must use the
placeholder [NewEMail] to save the new email address.
Sample: On the website a HTML form with fields firstname, lastname, title and EMail will be used. A sample database was create in Microsoft Access with a table with name mytable. SQL query to add a new recipient to database: INSERT INTO mytable (lastname, firstname, title, EMail) VALUES ('[lastname]', '[firstname]', '[title]', '[EMail]' ) SQL query to remove a recipient from database: DELETE FROM mytable WHERE EMail='[EMail]' SQL query to edit/change customers data can be: UPDATE mytable SET EMail='[NewEMail]' WHERE EMail='[EMail]'
Print subscription email | Prints the subscription email to the defined printer.
Save sub-/unsubscribe emails to | Allows saving subscribe/unsubscribe emails to a folder as
.eml. With Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook Express, Windows Mail or Windows
Live Mail you can open email to view it.
Move to local block list | The email address will be added automatically to the local
black list (only valid for the current project). Even if a renewed
registration with this email address takes place, SuperMailer will send no
email to the recipient.
See also
Move to global block list | The email address will be added automatically to the global
block list (valid for all projects). Even if a renewed registration with
this email address takes place, SuperMailer will send no email to the
See also
Log file for error detection | Activate this setting only if you have communication
problems between SuperMailer and your inbox server. Is this settings
activated then SuperMailer will write a file pop3.log for POP3 inbox
servers or imap.log for IMAP servers to the temporary folder.
Please delete the log file after analyzing it. In the log file you can see the username and password in plain text.
Undefined emails
Emails, which cannot be processed by SuperMailer automatically, can be worked on manually. You can add only the email address to the list of all the recipient and/or delete the email address. You have to add further data manually to the recipient list by changing the recipient.
Click "Add to recipients list". If you click a twice on a email
becomes a "normal" emails. This email will remain in the mailbox
Choose "remove from recipients list", in order to instruct SuperMailer
to look for the sender email address in the recipient list and to let the
recipient be removed from the list.
Click "Remove email", in order to let the email be deleted without
further actions. Note the fact that this function is only available, if the
option "Keep messages on the server" not activated.
If option "Keep messages on the server" is activated, then no enamels
are deleted from the server. If this option should be deactivated, then
SuperMailer will delete the email from the mailbox, which were assigned manually
by the functions "Add to recipient list" and "Remove from
recipient list"
All messages will be send by email to a mailbox. SuperMailer will fetch the mails in this mailbox and detects with help of the subject of email the recipient should be added, changed or removed from the recipient list. Each email must contain the text email: <email address> and other field values separated by a line break.
All fields must be specified as name of the field in recipients list followed by
a value, e.g. Name: Meter.
Example of an email to subscribe to the newsletter
Example of an email to subscribe to the newsletter with the field Name:
Name: Meyer
Example of an email to unsubscribe from the newsletter
Example of an email to change the recipient
Subject: EDIT
Example of an email to change the recipient and changing the email address
Subject: EDIT
New email:
Hint: "Email:" is the actual email address. "New email:" has to be the new email address.
Example of an email to change the recipient and changing the name
Subject: EDIT
Name: Max Meyer
Hint: The field Name must be present in the SuperMailer list of all the recipients. Contents of the field Name of the recipient are overwritten with new contents, also then if the field Name is empty afterwards