Feedback link

Feedback link can used by email recipient to send a message to your email address without having an email client installed. You should not use mailto: links because they can only be used if recipient has a email client installed.

Hint: Feedback link is only useable in editing mode WYSIWYG editor or wizard. You can't use it in plain text emails..




Usage of link

In HTML part of email select the text which should be a link. Click on button "Link", select "Feedback link" and insert placeholders as parameters.

Don't insert link in plain text part of email. Plain text part must be created from HTML part automatically. (default activated).


Parameters and placeholders for feedback link

Parameters and placeholders can be changed only if you insert the link with button "Link" or change hyperlink properties (right click on link). Don't specify placeholder in HTML sourcecode!

Click in Link dialog on button to set parameters of link.

You can specify as many parameters with texts or placeholders as you need, all of them will be send with the feedback email.

Use parameter messagetext and assign a text, this text will be used as default text in input field of feedback form.

Hint: Total length of link should not exceed 255 characters for older web servers, for newer web servers up to 2000 characters can be used. If the length is exceeded, then there may be an error message or parameters will be truncated.



Setup of feedback script

All settings of script are valid for current open project and will be used for all inserted feedback links.


Tab Upload

Option Hints
Domain incl. directory Enter the complete URL with http:// and directory. The directory must be corresponded with the FTP directory or the upload directory in the script upload.php .

Is the URL not correct than SuperMailer will generate an error message and you must correct the URL.


Filename of script Enter the name of PHP script. The script must have the file extension .php otherwise it will not be executed. In the filename of the script you should only use the letters A-Z (a-z), the numbers 0..9 and underline or hyphen.



Select the transfer mode which SuperMailer should use to upload the files and the script.
Select FTP in order to let the data directly transferred by FTP. This is the recommended variant.

In firms it is often not possible to set up a direct FTP connection, in this case you should select the transmission with help of the upload script by HTTP. See also: setting up the upload script

FTP upload


Connection type Select connection type. At login area of your web space provider you can find information about required connection type.

You can select:

  • FTP (Port 21), unsecured
  • FTPS (explicit FTPS, Port 21), secured
  • FTPS (implicit FTPS, Port 990), secured
  • SFTP (Port 22), secured, based on SSH


Port Change port only when your web space provider requires this explicitly.


FTP Server Enter the FTP server name or IP address of FTP server.

Information for the FTP server you can get from your ISP.


FTP Username / FTP Password Enter username and password for FTP access.

Information for the FTP server you can get from your ISP.


FTP directory Select the FTP directory to upload the files and the script. In order to select the directory you must specify FTP server, username and password.

FTP directory and domain incl. directory must correspond.


Use passive mode The option "Use passive mode" should be selected for (A)DSL connection or if problems occur while uploading the scripts.


HTTP Upload

URL of upload script If you have decided to use the variant to transmit the scripts per upload script.
See also setting up the upload script

Enter the HTTP request inclusive name of the upload script.



Tab Configuration

Option Hints
Security Id for calling the script (at least 4 characters): For security reasons you must specify at least 4 characters, this protects the script for requests by spam bots and prevents sending of unwanted emails to your email address.  


  • After changing security Id you must send one email in order SuperMailer will upload the new script. Request with old security Id will not be accepted anymore.
  • When there are many request by Spambots with unwanted emails than you should change security Id.
Sender of email: Specify email address that should be used as sender email address for feedback email.


  • Sender email address and recipient email address can be the same.


Recipient of email: Specify email address that should be used as recipient of feedback email.


  • Sender email address and recipient email address can be the same.


Subject of email: Specify subject of feedback email, no placeholders are allowed.


After sending the email to show URL or text: Specify URL with http:// or https:// that you be shown after successful submitting feed form and sending of email. You can also enter a simple text that should be shown.


After failed sending of email to show URL or text: Specify URL with http:// or https:// that you be shown after successful submitting feed form and failed sending of email. You can also enter a simple text that should be shown.


Line break: Default CRLF

Change this settings only when received email will not be shown correctly in email client. Often LF is than the correct setting.



Tab Form

Option Hints
Permit enter a message in a form in web browser Enable this option to show email recipient a form in his browser.

Hint: Is this option disabled than by clicking at feedback link an email message will be send immediately.


A message text should be mandatory Enable this option when a message should be mandatory.


Error text if no message where entered after submitting the form: Enter a text that should be shown when no message text was entered.


Headline of form: Enter a headline for feedback form.


Headline of input field for message text: Enter a text that should be shown behind the input field for message text.


Label of "Submit" button: Enter a label for form submit button.


Stylesheets of page with form: You can change appearance of page with feedback form by using stylesheets.


Count of rows/columns of message field: Specify rows and columns of input field for message text. You can also use stylesheets to define size of field.




Setting up the upload script

You can use our upload script upload.php as substitute for FTP transfers. This script can be found in your SuperMailer directory. You have to upload this script once via FTP to your web space, after that you can upload files without FTP. This script should be reconfigured before uploading it, so that your upload files are copied into the right directory.

You should change the filename of this script, because that not everyone can put files on your web space.

You can also use this script for file upload, tracking, surveys or the newsletter archive.

changing the script configuration

  1. open this script with an text editor (not Word or WordPad!)
  2. search for:

# Upload directory with / at the end of path
# the upload directory is the complete directory from the root directory
# the directory can be differ from ftp upload directory
# under linux you should chmod the directory with rights 777


  1. Change the value of $UPLOADDIR from /home/www/tracking to your directory.
  2. Save this script and upload it on your server/webspace.

If you don't know the correct directory, then ask your web space provider