Newsletter software and bulk email software SuperMailer

Email HTML newsletter software to create and send newsletters and personalized bulk emails


Download email newsletter software SuperMailer Freeware version

Newsletter Software / email marketing software SuperMailer - DownloadNewsletter Software SuperMailer v14.30 32bit []
     (English and German)


Newsletter Software / email marketing software SuperMailer - DownloadNewsletter Software SuperMailer v14.30 64bit [14.30.2526]
     (English and German)



  • Newsletter Software SuperMailer 32bit can be installed on Windows 7 or newer 32bit and 64bit. 64bit version can be installed on Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 64bit only.

  • On Windows Server 2012 and newer ever download and install 64bit version.

  • Do you want send newsletters via Outlook? Install 32bit version when you use Office/Outlook as 32bit version otherwise you must use 64bit version.

  • Newsletter Software SuperMailer Free is free for private and commercial use. This version allows creating and sending personalized newsletters to at most 100 recipients.

  • SuperMailer Help as HTML version SuperMailer Help as HTML version

  • Newsletter Software SuperMailer Help file as PDF Help as PDF file   

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35 MByte
(x64 40 MByte)

Newletter software, email marketing software SuperMailer - product informations Newletter software, email marketing software SuperMailer x64 - product informations


Newsletter Software SuperMailer screenshot


MailboxFetcher, extract emails and email addressesMailboxFetcher, inbox email address extractor


Newsletter Software SuperMailer at
Newsletter Software SuperMailer at
5.0 Sterne von 5


SuperMailer-Bounce version 1.13 (04. July 2007)

At SuperMailer 4.70 SuperMailer-Bounce is included in Newsletter Software SuperMailer. You can open it by clicking on "Bounces" at the top of recipients list.

With SuperMailer-Bounce you can collect bounced emails (only  hard bounces) in a text file. The addresses in this file can be imported in SuperMailer version 3.10 and higher under "Import" - "Import bounces". SuperMailer deletes this email addresses, so you doesn't need to do this manually.


The download of this software is only for registered SuperMailer customers (standard and professional version) available.

The email address you are registered as SuperMailer customer:

The first 13 characters of your SuperMailer activation key (you can find this in SuperMailer menu "?" - "Info":

1,8 Mbytes


Bounce management software SuperMailer-Bounce - Screenshot


SMTP, Winsock and HTTP error codes, SpamAssassin shortcuts

Newsletter Software SuperMailer - Error codes while sending emails via SMTP serverList of SMTP error codes

Errors which can be occur while email sending.

Newsletter Software SuperMailer - Error codes while email sending or upload files via FTPList of Winsock error codes

In this lists are some error codes explained which SuperMailer can output. This error codes can help you to locate errors.

Newsletter Software SuperMailer - Error codes while uploading files per HTTP or send emails with PHP scriptList of HTTP error codes.

HTTP error codes that are can be printed out by the link checker or can occur while send emails with PHP script.

Newsletter Programm SuperMailer - Abkürzungen beim Spam-TestList of SpamAssassin phrases

This abbreviations can be  the output of the Spam test. That's are only a selection, so please use Google for more details.











EMail Marketing and Newsletter Software

HTML Newsletter Software

Newsletter Software and EMail Marketing Software

HTML bulk emails

Personalized bulk emails