Send your emails

If all recipients are defined, your email created and all files attached you can send your emails. Check in menu Project - Send settings the settings for the email addresses, your Real name and the Message sending options.

Click on button "Send messages now" or select on menu Project "Send messages now" to start the email sending.

SuperMailer will now check all your settings, is one setting not correct the button "Send now" will be grayed and you will found errors in the list "Conclusion and error checking".

Hint: To see all errors you can maximize the window.


Errors and solvings

Error Solving
The field "X" does not exist. Check the email text (Email as HTML and Email as plaintext) for correct writing of fieldnames.

All values in angularly brackets [] are fields in SuperMailer. If you have used text in brackets then change it to round brackets () or comment out the brackets with a backslash \. Sample: [value] can be changed to \[value\], if SuperMailer sends the message it will be changed back to [value].

Should you use pictures with e.g. [1] in the filename then rename the picture on your hard disk and remove the [1]. In SuperMailer right click on the picture, select Picture properties and change the filename.

JavaScript often contains values in angularly brackets, remove the JavaScript block completely. JavaScript will not executed in the email program or the email program is'nt show the email.


You didn't select any email recipient!


Click in the left SuperMailer "Outlook" bar on "Recipient of message" and set one (or more) checkmarks to the recipients.


You have not entered a subject for the email. Click in the left SuperMailer "Outlook" bar on "Text of message" and enter the subject of message.


Your email contains no text. Click in the left SuperMailer "Outlook" bar on "Test of message" and type in a text of message for the HTML and plaintext part.


The attachment X was not found. One ore more attachments exists (anymore) or SuperMailer hasn't enough access rights to read the file.
Change the rights for the file or copy the file to another folder so SuperMailer can access the file.


%s contains an UNC name, this is'nt supported yet. Please use only drive letters e.g. Z:\pic.gif. Files on network shares without a drive letter can't be used. Assign a driver letter or copy the file to the local computer. After then right click on the picture and change the location to the new drive or folder.


Personalized attachments are not usable by sending per BBC Personalized attachments can't be used by sending emails with the BCC option.  Open menu Project -  Send settings and remove the checkmark at the BCC option.


The sending per BCC is only possible if the email is send by SMTP server of email provider, by Microsoft Outlook or with help of your webspace/dedicated server Open menu Project -  Send settings and select the correct send option.


Is the email correct and the button "send now" is click able, then you should send a test email. Click on button "Test email" to send a test email to the entered email address. SuperMailer ever sends the email with recipient data of the first recipient only the email address will be replaced to the entered one.

It is recommended to send a test email!


Is the test email correct then you can click on "Send now" to send the emails to all recipients of you recipient list with a checkmark.


