Recipients of emails

Import email recipients

Click at "Recipients of message" on , to import email addresses from various sources.

Import from text file

Import from windows address book (WAB)

Import from Vista contacts (Windows Mail)

Import from Microsoft Outlook

Import from Microsoft Exchange

Import from Microsoft Excel

Import from Calc

Import from database

Import from Internet

Import from FollowUpMailer

Import from SMSout

Import from SuperMailingList

Import bounced emails

Import from Act!

Import from Google Contacts


Text direct

Import recipient data from an text block copied into a text field.



This option is used for a large number of recipients, so SuperMailer don't import this data, instead it reads all email addresses as stream during mail delivery.
This text file must only contain email addresses separated via CR/LF.


Newsletter registration on your own web page

We offer a special script, which is used to automatically manage your list of all recipients via subscribe or unsubscribe mails. Click on , to fetch these registration mails directly from your POP3/IMAP account.

for more information
Newsletter subscribe and unsubscribe via script


Add/Edit/Delete fields

Click on "fields" to add, change or delete any field.

If you delete the field with email addresses you have to tell SuperMailer which field now contains the email address, so click on menu Projects - field containing email.


Adding recipients by hand

Use button "Add recipient", " Exit recipient" and "Remove recipient" to add, change or delete recipients.


Filter email addresses

Click on Button to filter your list of all the recipients of your email. , to delete duplicates.


Remove duplicates This option deletes all dublicate email adresse in your recipient list, SuperMailer kept the first one and deletes the second appearance of this email address.


select all All recipients will be selected, same as CTRL+A.


select none nothing selected


Invert selection This will invert your current selection.


recipient in range.. Select all recipients within range 1..n.


Failed With this function you can select all recipients which failed their delivery in the last two attempts. SuperMailer only saves the results of the last two attempts. The oldest entry will be overwritten after sending emails.


Extended filter You can filter with an special search string. For example all recipients which contain smith in field name.


Search & Replace

Try this function to search some recipients and replace their data.


Sorting recipient list

Left click on one field in the header of the recipient list to sort the list ascending or descending. SuperMailer will sort it as strings (ANSI charset).

Sort by contens of columns

Contains the column only numbers (integers or floating point) then hold down the Shift key an left click on the column header to sort it ascending / descending by numbers.

Contains the column a date value  (Format must be identical with Windows date format) then hold down the Ctrl key and left click on the column header to sort it ascending / descending by date.

Contains the column a time value  (Format must be identical with Windows time format) then hold down the Alt key and left click on the column header to sort it ascending / descending by time.

Do you want to sort by checkmark in first column then hold down Ctrl And Shift key and left click on the column header to sort it ascending / descending by checkmark.

Do you want to sort by hardbounce state in first column then hold down the Ctrl, Shift and Alt key and left click on the column header to sort it ascending / descending by hardbounce state.