Newsletter software and bulk email software SuperMailer

Email HTML newsletter software to create and send newsletters and personalized bulk emails


Newsletter Software SuperMailer, one time fee per computer, no subscription fee All licenses on this page are for ONE Computer/PC (workstation). This license is valid for the current version and all future versions (both minor and major updates and new versions are free for registered users), so you will profit by the further development of the software.

At this time we accept Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), USDC Coin (USDC), Credit cards (VISA, American Express, Master Card), paying by PayPal or Cash in advance.
Cash in advance (bank transfer) is only recommend for people in EU countries.
Paying with Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH) or USDC Coin (USDC) is not available in Germany and other European union countries.

SuperMailer in german language German speaking users should order the license on German website.


Order SuperMailer with Bitcoin Order SuperMailer with Ethereum (ETH) Order SuperMailer with USDC Coin (USDC) Paying with Bitcoin/Ethereum/USDC is only available outside of European union.
Your order will be processed manually. You will get a Bitcoin, Ethereum or USDC wallet address for paying invoice by an email separately. Check JunkMail folder when email will not arrive in 24 hours.


SuperMailer Upgrade versions only for newsletter software SuperMailer customers you can find at the end of this page.

Our Privacy Policy



Version Price per license / workstation


This version is free for private and commercial use. This version allows creating and sending personalized newsletters to at most 100 newsletter recipients.

Differences between versions.

free of charge


This version is only for private users or non-profit organizations with a number of recipients under 500.

This license is for one workstation.

Commercial usage is not allowed.

Differences between versions.

US $24.00*



Professional Limited
This version is suited for more newsletter recipients and equipped with additional features. Ideal for firms and persons or non-profit organizations with a number of recipients under 5000.

This license is for one workstation.

Differences between versions

US $62.00*



Professional Unlimited
With this version you can manage an unlimited number of newsletter recipients. All additional features are available.

This license is for one workstation.

Differences between versions

US $82.00*



Professional Unlimited BCC
This is the professional unlimited version with the feature to send emails via BCC (blind copy). If you use BCC, personalizing emails are not possible.

This license is for one workstation.

Differences between versions

US $150.00*




*For customers inside EU all prices includes 19% VAT. The addresses and credit card information will be checked manually. If there are questions, we will call you.

Discounts are offered up to 4 licenses.

Validity of license / activation key: This license is valid for the current version and all future versions (both minor and major updates and new versions are free for registered users), so you will profit by the further development of the software.




Differences between Email marketing software SuperMailer versions

Freeware Standard Professional Limited Professional Unlimited Professional Unlimited BCC

Every recipient gets a own email so that other recipient can't see the addresses from the others.

yes yes yes yes yes

Number of SuperMailer projects supported

unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

Number of email recipients in one project

100 500 5000 unlimited* unlimited*

Number of attachments

5 5 10241 10241 10241

Personalized file attachments

you can try it
no yes yes yes

Text templates

no no yes yes yes

Query functions / conditions (IF...THEN...)

you can try it
no yes yes yes

Tracking (own webspace with support for PHP4/5 scripts and MySQL required)

you can try it
no yes yes yes

Usage of sending emails by own webspace / server as used of webbased newsletter programs (own webspace with support for PHP4/5 scripts required)

no no yes yes yes

Newsletter achieve function to you old sent newsletters on your webpage (own webspace with support for PHP4/5 scripts and MySQL required)

no yes yes yes yes

Definition of own email header entries

you try it
no yes yes yes

Sending via BCC
(without BCC every recipient will get one personalized email)

no no no no yes
(one time fee)


Our Privacy Policy

* depends on the power of your PC and his available system resources. Ca. 370.000 recipients can be managed.
1 This is a fixed value. It's not possible you send 1024 attachments at the same time.
2 For customers inside EU all prices includes 19% VAT.
The addresses and credit card information will be checked manually. If there are questions we will call you.



SuperMailer Upgrade versions only for newsletter software SuperMailer customers

This versions are only available for registered SuperMailer customers who wants to upgrade SuperMailer to a higher version.

You must only pay the difference price not the hole price for a new license.


Our Privacy Policy


Enter the first 13 characters of your SuperMailer activation key
(you can find it in SuperMailer menu "?" - "Info"):






Other Software only for German users:

PHP Newsletter Software SuperWebMailer


SuperSpamKiller Pro


Gebührenzähler WT-Rate





