Quick start

This chapter should help you to create a first project, import recipients, create newsletter text and send a newsletter.



SuperMailer works with projects. All email texts, email attachments and other settings are saved in one project file. Recipients are saved in a separate SQlite database file in same folder.

To create a new project click on button

In order to open an existing project, you must click on


Add recipients to the project

  1. Select left in panel "Recipients of email".
  2. Click on "Add recipient" to add a recipient to list of recipients. Alternatively you can click on
    to import a larger number of recipients from an external data source e.g. plaintext file, Excel, Outlook, SQL databases.
  3. Click on
    to select all recipients or filter recipients.

    Hint: SuperMailer will only send emails to recipients with a checkmark. Recipients without a checkmark will never get an email.















Create an email text

  1. Select left in panel "Text of email".
  2. Enter the subject of your email. You can also insert a merge field that is replaced with recipients specific value while sending the emails.

  3. You can click on "Subject" and select "Variants of email subject" to enter more than one email subject.
  4. Create now your newsletter email text directly in SuperMailer or import an external HTML file by clicking on
  5. Use the button
    to insert a mail merge field for personalization (short code) into text of your email. This field will be replaced with recipient specific data before the email will be send.

    You can also right click in WYSIWYG editor and select from context menu "Insert placeholder" a mail merge field.

    Internal functions and default fields

  6. When you want to send a HTML email please check also the email in plaintext format. Click on "Email as plaintext" at the lower edge of the input field and enter the plaintext part of email.

  7. Click on
    to see a preview of your email in HTML and plain text format. In serial mail preview any mail merge fields (placeholders) are already replaced with recipients specific data.








  1. Select left in panel "Attachments of email".
  2. Click on "Add File" to add a file from your local computer as attachment.
  3. Click on "Personalized Attachment" (only available in Professional versions) to add a personalized attachment.











SuperMailer open Send settings

Settings for sending newsletter emails

  1. Open menu Project - "Send settings".
  2. On first tab enter at least sender email address and sender name.

  3. On second tab select a variant for sending your emails.

    Often used for email sending is sending over SMTP servers (outbox servers) of email provider, Microsoft Outlook or Office365.

    In case of using variant "Send by SMTP server of the email provider" Outbox server (SMTP server) and SMTP Authentication must be filled out correctly. You can get this data from your email provider.

  4. SuperMailer - Sample email send settings Microsoft 365/OAuth2Click on "Text email sending" to test your settings.

  5. Click on "More outbox servers" to add more than one SMTP server, each server must have a limit.

  6. Select tab "Limits" to enter a limit for pausing email sending after X emails.

  7. Click on "OK" to save all settings.

















Add more than one Outbox server

  1. Add each SMTP server with a limit. When there are one server without limit, SuperMailer will use it for all remaining emails.
  2. Enable "Use Outbox server several times" to let SuperMailer rotate SMTP servers, with "Random usage" one SMTP server will be picked from list randomly.












Sending newsletters and bulk emails

  1. Click on
    to send emails to all recipients.

  2. SuperMailer will check your settings and reports errors when something is wrong. You must correct incorrect values.

  3. Click on "Send now" to send emails to all recipients saved in recipients list which have a checkmark.



See also
Recipients of emails
Create an email
Send emails
Send settings